Hem Internationellt Henrik Stenson fråntas kaptensrollen i Ryder Cup

Henrik Stenson fråntas kaptensrollen i Ryder Cup

Ryder Cup Europe meddelar I dag att Henrik Stenson’s tid som kapten för det europeiska Ryder Cup-laget är över innan den ens började. Så här skriver man I ett kortfattat pressmeddelande:

Ryder Cup Europe today confirms that Henrik Stenson’s tenure as Captain of Team Europe for the 2023 Ryder Cup at Marco Simone Golf and Country Club in Rome, Italy from September 25 – October 1, 2023, has been brought to an end with immediate effect.

In light of decisions made by Henrik in relation to his personal circumstances, it has become clear that he will not be able to fulfil certain contractual obligations to Ryder Cup Europe that he had committed to prior to his announcement as Captain on Tuesday March 15, 2022, and it is therefore not possible for him to continue in the role of Captain.

Confirmation of the new 2023 European Ryder Cup Captain will be made in due course. Ryder Cup Europe will be making no further comment on any aspect of the process until that time. 

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